Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lots of Ladders

On this nice sunny day, the painters put finishing touches on the trim and the accent color around the eaves.  Albert is coming down off the roof after installing the chimney for the gas burning stove we will have in the parlor.

The above photo is taken from the west side of the root cellar.  Where Louie is standing in front of the house we will eventually build a low deck.

Here is the chimney pipe coming up from the parlor.  This is in Thelma's room.  The original brick chimney was in this same place.

The fig tree is doing well with some fruit on it, and the bed is finally weeded to the best of my (back's!) ability. 
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Trim paint

Albert had a few more trim pieces to install before Louie and his paint crew could finish.  Here Albert is working on the window trim piece.

And below Albert is measuring for the roof triangle piece to match the other side of the house.

Here he is carefully nailing it in place. And being careful in more ways than one!

Below is the trim color...just a little accent for the roofline and the piece above the belly band on the bottom.  The triangle at the top will be painted as well.
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Monday, June 18, 2012

More painting progress

Here is the north side of the house, still with just the primer paint.  Lots of calla lilies still in bloom.
Ta Dah! Here is the south side with the main body color and some of the trim done.

And the east side.  You can see the top windows still have the primer, and the bottom windows have the color trim. There will be also an accent color on the peak.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Painting Primer

Louie and his crew are applying the first coat of tinted oil based primer to the house. 

All the windows have been masked off, giving an eerie, blind look to Pioneer House.

Remember this is just a hint of what the house will look like when finished.

Below picture is taken from part way up the driveway.

And now to keep you up on what is happening in the gardens.  Lots of peony, sweet rocket, and of course rhodies in bloom.

Husky colored iris?
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