Thursday, January 24, 2013

New Doors

We have installed the new door to the deck.  It is the same style as the old door, but thicker and with better insulated glass.  The jamb is kerfed (there is a slot made into the wood) to allow for weather stripping integral to the jamb.

An exterior shot of the door.  New trim will have to be put in, and of course the door painted.  The same blue as the house, or an accent color?

Here is a close up of the egg shaped Schlage door knob and dead bolt.  

Here is a photo of the kitchen with the new interior doors installed.  The one to the right, into the dining room, has been varnished with a satin varnish.
We saved as many of the old doors as possible, some were too beaten up to be worth our while to repair.

And still the labor intensive molding going on. And on, and on.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Reality in Renovations

Happy New Year Dear Readers!   It has been over a month since my last posting and you will find out why in the last couple photos.  Here we have installed our Lodi propane stove in the parlor.

This shot is a bit more true to the color of the walls and the stove.

Albert putting up the vent cover after painting it the proper ceiling cover.  So many little things that have to be done and they all take time!

And decisions!  Here we are looking at the walls of the formal entry.  Should the color of the wall be that of where the light switch is, or....

should it be this color?  I am leaning toward this color, less contrast and not so many colors going on.

No decisions yet though and it may come to be a completely different result!

So now you have it.... the reason for my delay in posting.  Here is Isabelle's room, torn up.  We discovered a pool of water under the window on the floor.  So after further investigation, we found water had come in somehow and soaked the insulation both upstairs and downstairs on the east side of the house.   

Some insulation was sopping wet, some not affected at all.

So all the wallboard has been torn out and all the insulation thrown away, walls exposed and trying to dry out.  We are not sure why the water came in, whether it was the fault of the windows or improper sealing of the siding outside.  We have caulked and re-caulked the siding  now but since it is winter, the temperature is not conducive to curing the caulk properly for sealing.  Hmmm.....we may just have to stay calm and carry on until spring.  We have the window representative coming out sometime, not sure when, but he/she may be able so shed light on this problem.
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