Today the house was finally set down on its new foundation.
Above photo is the northwest corner where the house is stubbornly not wanting to relax into its new position. I'm told a house has memory, and this one has a long one.
Underneath is looking so neat and clean. Look at the many added posts that were added for proper support.
All the cribbing is out and the holes where it was all filled in.
Old floor joists and new ones.
These two photos (above and below) show the different building styles of the two parts of the house. The below photo shows the wall studs going all the way down to the foundation wall and above photo shows the wall studs stopping on the sill plate.
Where the plywood is now covering the holes where the steel beams were will be filled in with concrete block.
Off goes the cribbing that surrounded the jacks under the house.
And below lie the mighty jacks that lifted the house. They don't look like much here!
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